888-214-1415 contact@intellimed.com

Our Solutions

IntelliMarket™ Vue

Our Solutions

IntelliMarket™ Vue

A simplified reporting tool with detailed dashboards designed to give you visual insights into procedures and diagnoses.

IntelliMarket™ Vue

IntelliMarket™ Vue is a simplified reporting tool with detailed visual reporting and dashboards.


  • Easy-to-use, customizable interface.
  • Integrate and visualize your own data.
  • Craft compelling presentations for your leadership team.
  • Use anywhere, anytime with options that do not require an internet connection.
  • Dashboards are automatically refreshed with new data as it becomes available.


  • Identify opportunities and track the success of your goals and strategies.
  • Understand, forecast and respond to demographic shifts.
  • Track market demographic shifts and visualize patient migration.
  • Identify splitters and referral relationships.
  • Show and understand utilization, including outliers.

Our Data

IntelliMarket™ Vue pulls from multiple data sources to give you the most comprehensive view of your organization and the market as possible.

  • Claims Data
  • State Inpatient Data
  • Outpatient Data
  • State Emergency Department Discharge Data
  • National Medicare Inpatient Data
  • National Medicare Outpatient Data



IntelliMarket™ Vue Add-Ons

Vue Chronic Conditions Forecast

Identify vulnerable populations with a higher incidence of underlying chronic conditions.

      • Assess demand with current and five-year disease prevalence & growth rates
      • Identify under-served populations to improve access to care and reduce excess utilization
      • Prioritize service line development and shape health care offerings

Vue Discharge Forecast

Assess the current and future demand for healthcare services in your community.

      • Assess demand with current and five-year disease prevalence & growth rates
      • Identify under-served populations to improve access to care and reduce excess utilization
      • Prioritize service line development and shape health care offerings

Vue Emergency Department Forecast

See current year emergency department utilization and forecast future demand by service line to ensure patients get the right care, in the right place, at the right time.
th a higher incidence of underlying chronic conditions.

      • Prepare for future demand with growth rates by zip code, procedure and more
      • Quantify the percentage of encounters that result in admissions to inpatient care
      • Identify cases better served at other service locations to save on costs
      • Get insights into areas where Emergency Department data may not be available

Get In Touch

(888) 214-1415  I  contact@intellimed.com

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